Martine Grael Visits the Project After Gold Medal

The Olympic medalist Martine Grael visited again the headquarters of the Grael project, on Thursday afternoon (12), to participate in a chat with students, answering their questions about the sport and the path to be followed. At the end of the meeting, the champion gave an inspiring speech so that future boaters persist regardless of the obstacles that arise and never give up their dreams.

The Grael project, in more than 20 years of history, has received hundreds of children from public schools, teaching about all the processes related to the practice of sailing and canoeing, from theory to practices and workshops. We use our boats as an instrument of education and citizen training. The attributes practiced by a boater constitute human values.

The Grael Project 23rd Anniversery, Celebrating With Many Activities

Today, celebrating its 23 years of creation, the Grael project will be carrying out various activities with its students, among them a chat about the importance of the environment and the Guanabara Bay, an ecological regatta and special events.

Always focusing on the importance of preserving the environment, his teachers have conducted dynamics in groups, with their students, on the topic.

What is Project Grael?

Founded in Niterói, in 1998, by Olympic medalists Lars Grael, Torben Grael and Marcelo Ferreira, The Grael project is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), which aims to democratize the access of young people to the practice of the sport of sailing and, in this way, contribute to the social transformation in the lives of its beneficiaries.

Since its foundation, about 700 young people and children in the public education system, between nine and 29 years old, are being educated through sailing, swimming and canoeing and prepared for the labor market.In addition to the educational sport, from the age of 18, young people start attending nautical workshops and are introduced to some crafts related to boats, such as capotaria, carpentry, fiberglass, diesel engine mechanics, outboard engine mechanics and electro–electronic installations for boats. The institution also offers library, environmental education and digital inclusion classes for all students, and joinery classes for children. All free.


after completing 20 years of history in 2018, the Grael Project also started canoeing activities, sponsored by Laureus – Sport for Good Foundation, in partnership with Brazilian Canoeing Confederation – CBCA.


In 2017, the Grael Project was nominated for the Award “Canal Off – 5 Years” in the category “director”. Also in the same year received the Award “Sou do Esporte Solidário” for the work focused on social inclusion, which causes an impact on the country’s development. Also in 2017, an international partnership was celebrated with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime – UNODC , with actions to prevent youth through sports, in the context of the “Doha Declaration” program.

2015/ 2016

In early 2015, at the invitation of the then newly appointed Secretary of State for the Environment, AndréCorrea,areportentitled“GuanabaraViva”waspresentedthroughtheGraelProject,evaluating prevention programs (eco-barriers) and the removal of floating garbage (Ecoboats) of Guanabara Bay, aiming at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games and the proposition of the Guanabara Viva Program, a new action plan with an enphasis on the Olympic legacy. The report adressed the problems of Guanabara Bay and presented solutions to solve emergency needs, with a view to the Rio Olympic Games.


sailor Samuel Gonçalves, a former student-member of the Grael Project wins the World Star Class Championship in Buenos Aires- Argentina, alongside with Lars Grael. Since then, the duo continues to win titles around the world.