this was the year that the Grael Project won its first prize in the “Criança Esperança” campaign and later, in the same period, the award for best project of the year, given in Amsterdam, by the International Nautical Industry. Also in 2005, the project was invited by the “Connect to Sailing” Program to perform at the ISAF Annual Conference in Singapore.


in 2004 the Rumo Nautico Institute – Grael Project acquired new headquarters in the old hotel and restaurant Samanguiá, with a charming view of Jururuba Cove in Niterói/RJ, where all its activities still take place today.


in 2003 the project received an honourable mention from the Itaú – Social Award, having competd with more than 1700 NGOs from all over Brazil.


In 2000 the Rumo Nautico Institute – IRN was created, a civil association, governed by private law and non-profit aims, with headquartes and forum in the city of Niterói/ RJ, with the purpose of supporting, managing and improving the Grael Projet.


Ao completar 20 anos de história em 2018, também deu início às atividades de canoagem, com patrocínio da Laureus – Sport for Good Foundation, em parceria com a Confederação Brasileira de Canoagem – CBCA.


The Grael Project becomes the inspiration for a Federal Public Policy – the NAVEGAR Project with 30 units across Brazil.


Project Grael was founded by Olympic medalists Lars Grael, Torben Grael and Marcelo Ferreira, At Charita’s Beach, in Niterói/ RJ,Brazil.